Cottonwood Park
Picturesque Cottonwood Park is located on the lakeshore. It contains a W34 Junkers airplane replica and a steam shovel used in the 1930's on display.
The 1/3 scale replica of a W34 Junkers Plane celebrates the aeronautical history of Fort St. James as a float plane base for Pacific Western Airlines (Central BC Airways).Fort St. James was used as a float plane base during the 1940's by Russ baker, famous Canadian bush pilot who founded Centrail BC Airways in 1946.
Baker's company used these Junkers planes which were built in Germany duiring and after WWI. Along with the de Havillant Beavers, the W34 Junkers were intstrumental in opening up the North for resource development.
The shovel on display at Cottonwood Park was built by the Marion Steam Shovel Company. It was brought to the area in the mid 1930's by Thomas A. Kelley to be used in the 1930's Omineca Gold Rush. The steam shovel has been preserved as a tribute to the pioneer families who contributed to the growth and development of Fort St. James. It is now on display and accesible to the public for their enjoyment.
Amenities at the park include a sandy beach, washrooms and change rooms, a band stand, a covered picnic area and playground.
Cottonwood Park offers attractions for visitors of all ages.